A Global Network

Information About the Company

Spanning the oceans with teamwork​

Transpacific collaboration​

Since its inception in 2004, Wonmo Marine has worked hard in forging an international foundation that is able to plant the seeds of development in the marine industries of East Asia and South America. With the assistance of Kaiyou Heiwa Inc. in Japan and Acuamundo S.A. in Paraguay, we were able to introduce WM Good Go boats to both markets, helping to foster a love of nature and the environment through recreational experiences with nearby oceans and rivers. Though both Japan and Paraguay currently enjoy vast economic benefits from homegrown maritime commerce, neither has developed much of a native love for venturing into the open waters. Together with its international partners, Wonmo Marine seeks to change this and bridge the divide that exists between man and sea. We seek to cultivate people who truly enjoy, appreciate, and protect the gifts of seas of the world at time when marine ecosystems are being muddied with waste and pollution.